triple header but no pictures

Shavuos was busy.

3 days of Holiday. 3 days of Minyan. Shabbat segwayed into shavuos for 72 hours of a spiritual high.
All night study until dawn with several community members and visitors. 
Large attendance (65 men, women and kids) at the listening of the 10 commandments.
Many people at yizkor Monday morning.
Food. Food. Food.
I always wonder if all the food I squeeze into our 4 freezers and 2 fridges will actually ever be eaten. Always mind boggling when it has been. 
Visiting yeshiva students, family and friends.
Torah discussions, back to back. 

All this and not one picture.
One of the greatest holidays does not allow picturs during the whole duration, according to Jewish law.

Some pics from before and after. 



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